Wednesday, April 27, 2011

higher temperatures could thaw polar ice

Course Design:
1, Earth and Earth Day knowledge;
2, the elementary wisdom of Earth's structure;
3, global environmental problems
4, how do we do
characteristic elements:
1, Earth Day and Earth
Students, do you good. We have seen that I am holding a earth, then I say to you today is the knowledge of the earth. We always live on earth, However, some knowledge of the Earth, and perhaps we still not very explicit.
2005 年 11 22, the United Nations 60th General Assembly adopted a resolution in 2008 for the United Nations International Year of Planet Earth, this is the first time since the founding of the United Nations Geo-led activities for the Year, China is 1 of the sponsors. International Year of Planet Earth intentions to study the social services, the intention is by strengthening geoscience pedagogy and research, heave public awareness of geoscience in sustainable natural resources development, utilization and treatment, and disaster prevention, mitigation of the important role that a comprehensive information service to the community the concept of Earth Science, Earth Science is to subserve sustainable social and economic development services.
ratified by the State Council, China Committee International Year of Planet Earth was established in 2007. All Committee members will include the Ministry of Land Resources, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education (China National Commission for UNESCO),toronto escorts, Ministry of Finance, the State Environmental Protection Administration and other 25 elements.
the theme of the International Year of Planet Earth: deed slogan is: efficient use; years, this annual April 22 is the 39th Ten-year theme:
l groundwater resources: the Earth's starve mitigation?
l of natural disasters: to raise awareness and reduce the hazard
l Earth and Health: building a safer environment, climate change
l : rock records
l of natural resources: to provide sustainable power for sustainable development of cities
l: into the depths of the earth, build a safer space
l Deep Earth: from crust to core < br> l Ocean: abyss of period
l land: the survival of life on Earth surface
l Earth and Life: origins of diversity
2, the earth is spherical structure
earth is not, and is a flat ball, or, more like a pear-shaped body of revolution. Earth can be seen as a sequence of concentric layers. Earth's interior, with kernel, cloak and crust structure. the earth outdoor of the water cycle, atmosphere, also a magnetosphere, forming a jacket around the solid earth.
7 tenths of the earth's surface above the blue ocean covered by lakes, rivers, only a small part of the earth's surface waters. Earth's surface layer of liquid water, shrieked hydrosphere, from the formation of more than 30 billion years at least by far. Earth's surface from a variety of rock and soil composition, the ground is rugged and low-lying parts were flooded into oceans, lakes; above the surface of the land is, with plains, mountains. < br> Earth's solid surface total vertical relief of approximately 20 km, which is the summit of Mount Everest (fathomed along to the Chinese Mountaineering Team, Mount Everest is 8844.43 meters above sea class) and the deepest sea depth (the depth of the Mariana Trench, about 11 km) between The altitude distinction, it is more than half the average thickness of continental crust.
astronauts fly in space, according to credit introduction, they see the earth in space is a beautiful, crystal clear and the only living planet, wrapped around it a svelte layer of water blue Shayi. the earth is all to make a selfless contribution to mankind, but as human creatures and they adore, uncontrolled exploitation and destruction of random, not only the natural resources of the earth less and less also caused a series of ecological disasters, to posture a threat to the survival of mankind. For instance in July 1995, China's one entity happened: several factories to the sea and because of undue unload of sewage and polluted the atmosphere in the cigarette, resulting in a lot of rain fell, so that large areas of forest and crop damage. This will not only taint the environment, but also by the serious loss of natural resources.
our planet is also cute, too cozy to suffer the same time. students, scientists have already proved: in the universe as the heart of the earth within forty trillion kilometers, not appropriate for human habitation of the second planet. humans can not hope to destroy the Earth to other planets after shook up.
only one Earth, the Earth's inhabitants, rapidly get up up now! from the conservation of plants and trees around, a mountain of water begin to act, let us protect our families mm large living earth!
the current global environmental issues, threats Ten environmental problems of human existence is:
(a) global warming
amplify in population and human activities, the increasing scale of production, unlock into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) , nitrous oxide (N2O), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), carbon monoxide (CO) and other greenhouse gases increase, leading to changes in the composition of the atmosphere. affected air quality, weather, there have been warming trend. because of global warming on the global produce assorted effects, higher temperatures could melt polar ice, sea level will rise by 6 cm in 10 years,differ types of edible in the endogenous estrogen and progesterone levels vary, which will be some coastal areas dipped. Global warming could also influence rainfall and airy prevalence changes, so that erratic weather, could easily guide to droughts and floods, which may guide to changes and destruction of ecosystems, global climate alteration will have a premonitory clash on human life.
(b) of the ozone layer depletion and destruction
away from the Earth's surface from 10 to 50 km in the stratosphere 90% of the earth concentrated ozone gas in the ground 25 kilometers away from the most ozone concentration, the formation of a thickness of about 3 mm layer of ozone concentration, known as the ozone layer. it can sponge the sun's ultraviolet rays to protect life on earth from excessive UV damage, and energy cache in the upper atmosphere, activity a role in regulating climate. However, the ozone layer is a very fragile atmosphere, if they go into some of the ozone-destroying gases, they will, and ozone chemistry of the ozone layer will be destroyed. the ozone layer is destroyed, the ground will increase by the intensity of UV radiation, to the earth the life of a great deal of harm.
studies have shown that UV radiation damage to biological proteins and genetic material DNA, causing compartment necrosis; the increased incidence of skin illness in humans; damage eyes and cause cataracts leaving blind; prohibition of plants such as soybeans, melons, vegetables and other growth, and penetrate the membrane of water 10 meters deep, killing plankton and micro-organisms, thereby endangering the aquatic edible chain and a source of free oxygen, affecting the ecological poise and self-purification capacity of water bodies .
(c) loss of biodiversity will be more than 50 years, 30% of the species extinction
including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes; It includes diversity among species, between species and ecosystem diversity. With changes in environmental conditions, some species will also evaporate. So, biodiversity is changing. over the past century, due to fast population growth and irrational human resources development, paired with environmental pollution reasons, the globe beneath a diversity of organisms and their ecosystems, a great impact on biological diversity has also been a lot of damage.
relevant scholars estimate that the world every year at least 50,000 kinds of species extinction, the average per day up to 140 species transform extinct, it is estimated that the early 21st century, the loss of wildlife approximately the world up to 15% of its total 30%. In China, deserving to population growth and economic development oppression on biological resources is unreasonable the use and destruction, biodiversity losses underwent very serious about more than 200 species have transform extinct; estimated that about 5,000 plants have been endangered in recent years, these accounting for about 20% of the total number of higher plants; about There are 398 kinds of vertebrates are also by the endangered status, accounting for about 7.7% of the total number of vertebrates. Therefore, protect and retention biological diversity and the survival of these organisms living conditions, the same is placed in the important task ahead us .
(d) Acid Rain Acid rain refers to the scatter of
precipitation pH (PH value) of less than 5.6 rain, snow alternatively other fashions of precipitation. This is a manifestation of air pollution. acid rain above the people context was multifaceted. rain fall into rivers, lakes, will discourage water fish, shrimp growth, resulting in cutback or extinction of fish and shrimp; mordant rain also led to taint acidification, erasure of taint nutrients to the soil barren of injure plants growth, resulting in crop creation, endangering the forest's growth. In appending, sour rain and likewise the corrosion of building matters, relevant information that indicates the final ten-year, a digit of areas of acid rain of special note, stone monuments, stone or copper statues of the break over the quondam hundred years or more, or even the Millennium above. the world are already 3 major acid rain. acid rain in south China is no the merely governance.
(e) woods dropped If the jungle disappears, we can leave back?
in today's earth, Our forests are green barriers mm 4000 square kilometers at one average annual rate of disappear. forests to conserve water to decrease the feature of damaged, resulting in the reduction of species and soil erosion, reducing the absorption of carbon dioxide in corner worse the greenhouse effect.
(f) Drought Desertification Do not let the spread of the global land area
60%, of which 29% area of ​​deserts and desertification. Every year 600 million hectares of land into abandon. 423 million in economic losses every year. global There are arid, semi-arid land 50 million hectares, of which 3.3 billion was the threat of desertification. resulting in an annual 600 million hectares of farmland, 900 million hectares of pastoral lost productivity. the cradle of human culture, the Tigris, the Euphrates ravine, the fertile soil into abandon. China's Yellow River The Yellow River mm, soil erosion is also very serious.
(g) air pollution so the environment to survive
chief ingredient of air pollution particulate material, carbon monoxide, ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, lead. Air pollution causes 30-70 million people each year die prematurely because of soot pollution, 25 million babies suffering from continuing laryngitis, 400-700 million rural women and kid suffer.
(h) water or life, so pollution the source of you?
water is the best of our daily absences, merely also one of the greatest exposure to the material, but is immediately also become dangerous water
(ix) sailor pollution, red tide
human activities offshore areas nitrogen and phosphorus by 50% -200%; excess nutrients cause algal growth according the seashore; the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Black Sea,shanghai massage, the East China Sea, red tides occur. marine pollution caused frequent accident of red tide, demolished mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass, the offshore sharp drop in fish and fishery losses.
transboundary campaign of hazardous waste is defined in the hazardous waste other than radioactive waste, with the chemical activity or toxic, gunpowder, corrosive, and other living environment for human existence dangerous characteristics of wastes. the United States Resource Conservation and Recovery Act stipulates that hazardous waste is a so-called solid waste and a mixture of several solid, because of its lofty volume and concentration, may cause or lead to increased human mortality, or cause complicated to cure a serious ailment or paralysis of the waste.
4, how do we do
- catch on the environment, protect the environment, do not litter, human who penetrate the litter, to prompt him. do not scald waste . garbage incineration of consume plastics such as dioxins produced excellent pollution of the environment, endanger human health. do not throw the power cell. because of a heavy metals included in waste batteries, if the stream of clean water, which caused The pollution is very powerful.
- gardening, landscaping. green factories can enhance people's mood, you can feel the fresh atmosphere. bring more oxygen. and natural achieve. One is the visual role for everyone apt feel cozy; the other hand, does have its effect, wind, hysteresis sand, dust, clamor, air purification.
- save water and conserve resources. not to waste water can be more times used as numerous times. During the study, to attempt to save the stationery, eliminate waste, for example, a pencil is made of wood, a waste of pencil is equivalent to the destruction of the forest. leave the apartment, shut the lights and unplug the television , audio, computers and other electrical plugs. as far as likely to replace ordinary light bulbs with energy-saving bulbs, even although its price is relatively valuable, but its power expense is only a small chapter of ordinary light lamps.
- spume gum is not litter. Although chewing gum is a very popular kids comfit, is a advantageous to human health food, but do not throw chewing gum later, because it will mallet around with. In dining, they can package it first paper accumulation is agreeable, spit it out of the plastic secondhand to mantle the pedestal, and then they throw it dustbins.

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